Changes/Features: In levels without hazardous events, the gate will automatically alert the enemies if their number is too low and the player is close enough. A...
Changes/Features: Branching system has been fully implemented, after each level you will see a map with multiple paths to choose from, so you can decide what ch...
Changes/Features: The shield energy level now regenerates over time instead of going back to a 100. When switching off the shield, the shield bar will flash unt...
Changes/Features: Dynamic music now takes into account both the level and the ammount of enemies, before only enemies close enough would influence the music. Im...
Difficulty Balance Patch: Changes to bullet speeds. Turning speed for several enemy ships has been increased. Gatling turret added to "battleship" boss. Traject...
Changes/Features: "Battleship boss" will now turn to face the player with the main turret. "Guard" ship can now alert drone ships, except for repair drones. New...
Changes/Features: Turret and laser turret icons in the upgrade menu are now highlited when browsing through any of their stats. A new camera to show the first b...